Colchester Market traders embrace single-use plastic ban

PUBLISHED: 9 October 2023

Colchester Market traders have adopted and adapted so effortlessly to the single-use plastic ban, that no traders have been found using any banned items since the law took effect on 1 October.

“I’m delighted to see that Colchester Market traders have embraced the single-use plastic ban so wholeheartedly,” said Cllr Natalie Sommers, Cabinet Member for Communities. We’re grateful for their support. By working together, we can make a real difference in reducing plastic pollution and protecting our planet for future generations.

“I encourage everyone to support our local traders by shopping at Colchester Market and choosing sustainable products. When shopping at the market, be sure to bring your own reusable bags and containers. You can also ask traders about their sustainability practices.”

The ban is in line with the council’s commitment to reducing plastic waste and protecting the environment. Single-use plastics are a major source of pollution, and they can take hundreds of years to decompose.

The following single-use plastic items are now banned in the UK: plates; bowls; trays; containers; cutlery, and balloon sticks.

Page last reviewed: 9 October 2023


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