New Castle Park walking trails

PUBLISHED: 22 October 2020

Date issued: 22 October 2020

Discover Castle Park this October half-term with three new downloadable historic and wildlife walking trails, giving locals and visitors the chance to step into Colchester’s past.

Created by Colchester Borough Council’s Castle Park Ranger team, the free trails are for ages 6-12yrs and teens and adults. The trails can be downloaded from and can be enjoyed on a smartphone, tablet or printed at home.

Visitors will have the chance to see Castle Park through new eyes, whilst finding out interesting facts on the oldest tree, tank traps from WWII, the Civil War obelisk, Roman sewers and much more.

Cllr Martin Goss, Colchester Borough Council Portfolio Holder for Waste, Environment and Transportation, said: “I’m really pleased to be launching these new downloadable walking trails for Castle Park. They have been developed by our Castle Park Ranger Team to help visitors discover and learn about the park, whist enjoying the award-winning green space.

“Castle Park is home to a wealth of wildlife, as well as being home to over 2,000 years of history. The park has many stories to tell and these history and wildlife themed walks are the first in a range of trails for Castle Park that will make it a great place to visit and enjoy.”

Follow @YourColchester on Twitter, @EnjoyColchester on Facebook and @BetterColchester on Instagram to be the first to know when the next free trails are launched.

Castle Park trails also supports the aims of Livewell Colchester, a campaign which helps to support residents to improve their physical and mental wellbeing. To find out more about the Livewell campaign in Essex, please visit

Page last reviewed: 22 October 2020


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