The Inspector has published a letter with suggestions of arrangements for the further hearing sessions and likely start date as part of the continuing examination for Section 1 Local Plan.
This follows the latest – more technical – consultation held in August and September this year on the joint part of the Local Plans developed by Braintree District, Tendring District and Colchester Borough councils, based on the additional evidence supporting three new garden communities.
The independent Planning Inspector says he is currently reviewing the around 1,000 comments received from the consultation ahead of the re-opening of the Local Plan examination expected to be held this winter. All of the comments are available to view online at
The Inspector said time is needed to review the responses before he announces the timetable for the next steps in the examination, but has given an indication that hearings will open on Tuesday 14 January.
A spokesperson for the North Essex councils said: “We welcome this letter and the Inspector’s comments are useful so we know all the options that are available are being carefully considered ahead of the re-opening of the examination.
“We can now work on making sure the next stage of the examination, which is the upcoming hearing sessions, are suitable and accessible to everyone, and ensure the public are fully engaged in the proceedings.”
The Local Plan sets out a vision and a framework for the future development of the area – the first time councils have come together in this way to look at a long-term approach to how homes, jobs and infrastructure are developed for future generations.
The Inspector’s letter can be found here:
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Page last reviewed: 23 October 2019