Colchester City Council unveils corporate landlord model

PUBLISHED: 14 November 2023

Colchester City Council is set to adopt a “corporate landlord” model for its extensive portfolio of council-owned land and property assets. This decision follows the recommendations outlined in a May 2023 review conducted by the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA).

In addition to council housing, the council manages a diverse property portfolio encompassing land and buildings, including operational properties like the Town Hall and council offices at Rowan House, community-leased properties such as Headgate Theatre and Abbeyfield Community Centre, as well as investment properties and land holdings.

Currently, this portfolio is managed by Colchester Commercial Holdings Ltd (CCHL), while maintenance and facilities management responsibilities are handled by Colchester Borough Homes (CBH). The corporate landlord approach will streamline operations by consolidating management and maintenance under a centralised corporate landlord team within the council.

As part of this transition to a corporate landlord model, relevant staff members from CCHL and CBH will be integrated into a central council corporate landlord team.

“Adopting a corporate landlord model, as recommended by CIPFA, will unite the expertise currently spread across three organisations into a single 'centre of excellence,’” said Pam Donnelly, Colchester City Council’s Chief Executive.

“Centralising all corporate property functions will facilitate a more coordinated, efficient, and effective approach to maintaining and utilising council land and buildings.

“This, in turn, will enable us to deliver on our strategic plan priorities, minimise risk, and further strengthen our position in navigating the challenging budget environment that many councils across the UK currently face.”

The Leader of Colchester City Council, Cllr David King, said: “We must take a commercially aware approach in all we do, to understand our assets, their financial and social value and to maintain them well, and to secure a financial return when we can. Moving to a corporate landlord model allows us to do that in the most efficient and effective way we can.”

This proposal will be discussed at the Colchester City Council Cabinet meeting on November 22, alongside proposals regarding the future of the council-owned companies Colchester Amphora Homes and Colchester Amphora Energy.

Page last reviewed: 14 November 2023


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