Colchester to be merry and bright with Christmas trees!

PUBLISHED: 6 November 2018

Colchester will have some added festive oomph this year, as Colchester Borough Council will be decorating the Town Centre with six real Christmas trees as part of its Better Colchester campaign.

The six trees will be located at Cowdray Crescent, Culver Square, Lion Walk, Firstsite, Mercury Theatre and on the balcony of the Town Hall.

The six trees are due to be installed overnight from 18 November and decoration will subsequently take place between 22-23 November. Five of the trees will be lit on Sunday 25 November, as part of the town’s wider switch-on activity, and the sixth will be lit on Wednesday 28 November as part of the Lion Walk switch-on activity.

All of the trees will measure 4.8m, except the tree in Cowdray Crescent which will measure just under 10m.

The trees will each have an individual decorative theme – ranging from string and baubles in yellow and gold, to mixed lighting and decorative parcels and bows.

Cllr Tim Young, Portfolio Holder for Business and Culture and Deputy Leader of the Council said: “We’re really pleased to be adding even more festive cheer to Colchester this year, by investing in some beautiful Christmas trees. We hope they are enjoyed by all the residents and visitors to Colchester. They’ll no doubt add even more to Colchester’s excellent Christmas offering. The trees will be recycled after they are taken down in the New Year.”

The Christmas trees have been possible as part of the Council’s Better Colchester campaign.

Page last reviewed: 6 November 2018


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