Colchester Day of Action a roaring success

PUBLISHED: 21 May 2024

A city centre Day of Action proved a resounding success yesterday (20 May), with a fantastic turnout from volunteers across the community.

Thanks to the dedication of 30 volunteers and 4 new Litter Warriors who signed up on the day, a vast area spanning Osborne Street, The Priory, St Botolph’s, St Botolph’s Roundabout, Magdalen Street, Mersea Road, Military Road, Vineyard Street, and Priory Street were cleared of litter.

Essex Police, Essex Fire and Rescue and the Council’s Community & Partnerships, Financial Equality Wellbeing and Digital Access teams were also involved, providing support and information to residents in need, whilst the Police patrolled the area.

The combined efforts of the enthusiastic volunteers and council staff, which included representatives from the Civic Society, Layer Litter Warriors, New Town & Christchurch, councillors, and Colchester City Council (CCC) staff, resulted in a deep clean of various areas and the collection of:
  • 100 bags of litter
  • An old traffic sign frame
  • Lengths of plastic cable trunking
  • 4 abandoned traffic cones
  • 8 bags full of weeds

Cllr Martin Goss, Portfolio Holder for Waste, Neighbourhoods and Leisure, said: “We’re thrilled with the turnout for the Day of Action! The community response was fantastic, showcasing a strong desire to keep Colchester a clean and pleasant city.

A heartfelt thank you to all the volunteers who came out and made a real difference. Their efforts are a true testament to our community spirit. We especially welcome our new Litter Warriors who signed up on the spot! If you're interested in getting involved in future clean-up initiatives, I encourage you to sign up for the Litter Warriors programme. It’s also a great way to make a regular contribution to keeping Colchester litter-free.

“The Day of Action may be over, but the fight against litter continues. We encourage everyone to do their bit by picking up litter when they see it and disposing of it responsibly.”

If you'd like to join the growing team of over 600 Litter Warriors, who are committed to picking litter in their local communities on a regular basis, contact

Litter Warriors is a Colchester City Council initiative to support and enable local communities to help maintain a clean and green Colchester by litter picking an area of open space or street that’s important to you. This may be the street you live in, your favourite park or open space.
Simply sign up via the council’s website and we’ll provide you with all the equipment you need.

Page last reviewed: 21 May 2024


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