Avenue of Remembrance war memorial to be refurbished

PUBLISHED: 6 March 2019

Date issued: 6 March 2019

Colchester Borough Council is starting a programme of refurbishment at the Avenue of Remembrance First World War memorial, situated at the junction of Colne Bank Avenue and North Station Road.

The memorial features plaques listing the names of all those who had commemorative trees planted along the Avenue of Remembrance in 1933. A total of 140 names feature on the plaques.

The first part of the refurbishment will see the now-faded plaques removed and taken away to be cleaned and restored. This work is being undertaken by A. Clarke Memorials and will take a few weeks.

The next stage of the refurbishment will see the seating area weeded and pressure-washed, and the seats taken away to be cleaned and repainted. The existing bollards will also be repainted, and the existing bin will be replaced.

When planting season begins in September, new plants and shrubs will be planted as well as a new hedge. To make the area more accessible, new paving will also be installed, once the planting has taken place.

Cllr Martin Goss, Portfolio Holder for Portfolio Holder for Waste, Sustainability and Infrastructure, said: “This War Memorial needs some refurbishment and I am glad that as part of our Better Colchester campaign, we are making this possible.

“The refurbishment of the war memorial forms part of longer-term regeneration plans for North Station Road. The proposal to seek Conservation Area Status for this part of the town will be going to the Local Plan Committee, this spring, and we are seeking to secure grant funding to improve some of the buildings in the road and the historic bridge crossing the river Colne.”

The refurbishment of the War Memorial will cost £13,670.

Page last reviewed: 6 March 2019


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