NEPP parks its single-use plastics

PUBLISHED: 15 July 2019

Date Published: 15 July 2019

NEPP parks its single-use plastics

This Plastic Free July, the North Essex Parking Partnership (NEPP) is starting a trial of biodegradable Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) pockets to replace their current single-use plastic versions.

The new pockets are made from paper and glassine and before they were launched on the market in October 2018, the pockets underwent 12 months of testing in the UK and Europe. The adhesive used also means that residue should not be left on vehicle windscreens once they’re removed.

Last year, Colchester Borough Council, who are NEPP’s lead partner authority, launched the Colchester Plastic Pledge to encourage businesses and residents to pledge to stop using single-use plastics. NEPP soon got on board with the campaign and pledged to try and source biodegradable PCN pockets, which it’s been able to achieve.

The PCN envelopes have also been redesigned to include NEPP’s branding and logo and meet the legal requirements.

Councillor Robert Mitchell, Chairman of On-Street Parking at the North Essex Parking Partnership, said: “I’m thrilled that NEPP is trialling these plastic-free PCN pockets and believe we’re the first parking authority in the country to do so. These new envelopes will help us to reduce our environmental impact and help tackle plastic pollution.”

Councillor Mike Lilley, Colchester Borough Council’s Portfolio Holder for Communities, Wellbeing and Public Safety, said: “Issuing PCNs are always a last resort when keeping the roads safe and traffic flowing, but when they do need to be issued, it’s great that these will now be enclosed in plastic-free pockets.”

Other organsiations who have or would like to make a change to their single-use plastics and make a Colchester Plastic Pledge can do so at

Page last reviewed: 15 July 2019


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