Colchester resident fined £530 for repeated littering in Kendall Folly

PUBLISHED: 18 January 2024

Colchester City Council has successfully secured a conviction in a littering case that plagued Kendall Folley in New Town for several months. The incident involved the repeated deposit of black bags, with their contents spilling and creating an unsightly and unsanitary mess.

Andrie Plescaciuc, who lives in Kendall Road, had been previously educated on two separate occasions regarding the improper disposal of waste in Kendall Folly. In November 2022, black bags containing identification were discovered behind his property, leading to an initial education letter. This was followed by a further letter in April 2023 after more bags were found littering the Folly.

Despite these warnings, Plescaciuc continued to disregard proper waste disposal practices. In May 2023, council officers responded to numerous complaints about waste at the rear of the property. Upon finding the area still littered, they cleared the waste and issued a Fixed Penalty Notice (FPN). However, Plescaciuc failed to pay the FPN, prompting further action.

A reminder letter was sent in June, followed by a legal letter in July.

On 14 December 2023, Colchester magistrates fined Plescaciuc £200 and ordered him to pay a victim surcharge of £80, and court costs of £250, bringing the total penalty to £530.

Cllr Martin Goss, Portfolio Holder for Neighbourhoods and Waste, said: “This case highlights the unnecessary cost that littering places on taxpayers. The council spends a significant amount of money each year cleaning up after irresponsible individuals. We urge everyone to take pride in their city and dispose of their waste properly.

"While we are pleased to see this conviction, we would much prefer to educate people about the importance of responsible waste disposal. However, when repeated warnings are ignored, we will not hesitate to take legal action. This should serve as a deterrent to anyone considering littering in Colchester.”

Page last reviewed: 18 January 2024


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