Deadline approaches for Colchester Creative Events Fund

PUBLISHED: 10 January 2020

Date issued: 6 January 2020

The deadline for applications for Colchester Borough Council’s (CBC) new Creative Events Fund is fast approaching.

Applications must be completed by midnight on Sunday 19 January 2020.

The fund has been put in place to support creative events happening across the Borough of Colchester, between the 1 May 2020 and 30 April 2021.

In total £20,000 has been made available for creative events that support and contribute to CBC’s strategic aims and plan.

It is a requirement that all projects must meet at least two of the Council’s objectives to:

  • Deliver high-quality cultural experiences to local audiences
  • Develop and showcase local artistic talent
  • Encourage visitors to the Borough
  • Celebrate local communities

Funding applications will be welcomed from registered charities, constituted voluntary and community organisations as well as not-for-profit groups. Applicants may request amounts between £200 and £1500 per project to support public events open to all.

Councillor Julie Young, Portfolio Holder for Culture and Performance and Deputy Leader of the Council said: “We are looking forward to receiving and reviewing all the applications in the New Year. We have such a wealth of talent in the borough and this is a fantastic opportunity to nurture this. Remember, all applications must be submitted through CBC’s online portal at and applications close midnight 19 January.

Page last reviewed: 10 January 2020


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