Temporary High Woods Country Park Car Park closures

PUBLISHED: 16 February 2021

Date issued: 16 February 2021

Due to maintenance works, Chanterelle Car Park will be closed 17-19 February and the High Woods Country Park Car Park will be closed on 25 February.

When Chanterelle Car Park is closed on 17-19 February, High Woods Country Park Car Park will be open and available for use. On 25 February, alternative parking for High Woods Country Park will be available in nearby Chanterelle Car Park, free of charge.

If poor weather prevents the works from taking place on these dates, they will take place on alternative dates in the near future, which will be advertised beforehand in the car park and on the Council’s social media pages.

Councillor Martin Goss, Colchester Borough Council Portfolio Holder for Waste, Environment and Transportation, said: “It’s essential that these works take place, and they can only be carried out when the car parks are empty. We apologise for any inconvenience this causes and would encourage locals using the Park for their once-daily exercise to walk or cycle to the Park where possible, rather than drive.”

Please ensure you comply with the latest government guidelines when exercising, including not travelling outside your local area, limiting it to once per day and only exercising by yourself or those you live with, with your support bubble (where applicable) or, when on your own, with one person from another household.

Information on parking in Colchester can be found at colchester.gov.uk/parking

Page last reviewed: 16 February 2021


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