Colchester Creative Events Fund announce successful applicants

PUBLISHED: 25 February 2020

Successful applicants to Colchester Borough Council’s (CBC) Creative Events Fund have been announced.

The Fund aims to support and grow creative events happening across the borough  between the 1 May 2020 and 30 April 2021.

The Fund proved extremely successful and attracted more than 30 applications from a variety of groups and individuals across the Borough, covering the full spectrum of creative endeavour from music, theatre and art to creative writing, photography and the digital arts.  

The £20,000 in available funding is to be split between 24 successful projects after a panel discussion led by Cllr Julie Young, Portfolio Holder for Culture and Performance and Deputy Leader of the Council. The diverse projects chosen show the depth and range of creativity across our communities.

All successful projects had to demonstrate they would be deliverable and meet at least two of the following criteria;

· Deliver high-quality cultural experiences to local audiences

· Develop and showcase local artistic talent

· Encourage visitors to the borough

· Celebrate local communities

Consideration was also given to ensuring support for a spread of events across the Borough; across a wide range of art forms and activity and aiming to attract as wide and diverse an audience as possible for the funding available.

Councilor Julie Young, Portfolio Holder for Culture and Performance and Deputy Leader of the Council says, “We were thrilled to have so many applications to this new fund. I am confident that we have chosen a wide and diverse range of projects which our residents will benefit from. I cannot wait to see plans now put into action and seeing the end results.”

A full list of successful projects follows:

  1. Roman River Festival
  2. Packing Shed Theatre
  3. The John Ball Society
  4. Black History Month
  5. Colchester Pride
  6. Layer De La Haye Parish Council
  7. Jordan Shultz
  8. The Munnings Art Museum
  9. Space Colchester
  10. Roman Circus Visitor Centre
  11. Destination Colchester
  12. Eight Ash Green Festival
  13. en-form
  14. Signals Media Arts
  15. Rowhedge Regatta
  16. The Pride Players
  17. The 18 Club
  18. Unfamiliars
  19. Colchester Makers Space
  20. Festival of Rice and Spice
  21. Wivenhoe Pub History Trail
  22. Communities Fiji Britain
  23. Colchester WriteNight
  24. St Mary Magdalen’s Hospital Almshouse Charity

Page last reviewed: 25 February 2020


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