Date issued: 6 December 2019
Last night (Thursday) a meeting of Colchester Borough Council’s Full Council voted not to approve the commitment of the £350,000 set aside in its budget towards the Garden Communities.
The council remains committed to the principles of Garden Communities and working with our partners in Tendring, Braintree, Essex County Council and the Government to deliver our Local Plan.
However, during the course of the debate it became apparent a majority of members felt it would be more prudent to await the Inspector's comments following the public examination early next year into the element of the Local Plan regarding Garden Communities, before the council agreed to release any further funding for the project.
We will work with our partners and North Essex Garden Communities Ltd to review its work programme for the rest of the financial year, in the light of the decision. We will also support the presence of NEGC Ltd at the public examination and continue to provide the back-office support for NEGC Ltd.
Page last reviewed: 6 December 2019