Date issued: 13 August 2020
The Night of Action follows the council’s reminder to premises about social distancing last week.
Over the course of the night, 45 licensed venues were visited and of those, 4% were given general advice and assistance in relation to social distancing and 2% were found to have issues of concern, which is now being addressed.
The council is continuing to regularly visit and inspect food and drink premises across the borough and where necessary is providing advice and support to businesses, to ensure regulations are met.
If any venue is found not to be complying with the necessary regulations, a Community Protection Warning would initially be issued. Ultimately, if all steps and the warning are not complied with, the venue could be closed.
A list of examples of good practice at food and drink premises is available to view on the GOV.UK website.
Councillor Mike Lilley, Portfolio Holder for Communities, Wellbeing and Public Safety, said: “The unannounced Night of Action is just one of a number of additional proactive steps we’re taking to ensure the necessary rules and regulations are followed to prevent the spread of coronavirus in Colchester.
“There are over 250 licensed venues across the borough and during Friday’s Night of Action, we visited 20% of these with the Police. The Council is also carrying out inspections of all premises throughout the borough, responding to reports and continuing to communicate the guidelines to local businesses and residents.
“Where any issues are identified our staff are responding quickly and working with premises to resolve these as soon as possible. It’s also important to thank local businesses and our staff who are all working hard to ensure premises in Colchester are safe for everyone during these unprecedented times.”
Colchester Community Policing Team Inspector, Jon Evans, said: “We work really closely as a partnership here in Colchester and this night of action is just one of the many ways we work together to keep everyone safe.
“Since licensed premises were allowed to reopen on 4 July, we have been seeking to educate both licensees and the public regarding why they should be complying with health protection guidance to keep themselves and others safe during this pandemic.
“Overwhelmingly, officers in Colchester have found that people are really receptive when we explain the need to socially distance and maintain vigilance around the potential spread of the virus.”
Page last reviewed: 13 August 2020