Ask Mark!

PUBLISHED: 12 August 2019

Date issued: 12 August 2019

Colchester Borough Council Leader, Cllr Mark Cory, is launching a new ‘Ask Mark’ project inviting borough residents and businesses to email questions to him. Every month a selection of the questions will be chosen, and Cllr Cory will then answer them via a new Ask Mark video published each month.

From today residents and businesses can email with their questions about Colchester and its development, CBC’s Cabinet and anything else related to how Cllr Cory leads Colchester Borough Council.

The new Ask Mark videos will be published on Better Colchester’s Instagram account once a month from September.

Cllr Mark Cory, Leader of the Council, said: “As part of our Better Colchester campaign I want to be more in touch with the people and businesses of Colchester to really find out what matters to them. The Ask Mark project will invite anyone to submit their question and I hope the questions and answers will offer a better insight for everyone.”

Questions, along with a first name/initial and ward of residence, should be emailed. Each month, some of the questions will be selected to answer via an Ask Mark video. The Ask Mark inbox is not regularly monitored, so urgent enquiries and enquiries not related to the Ask Mark project should not be made via this email address.

Page last reviewed: 12 August 2019


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