Date issued: 23 August 2018
Colchester Borough Council is currently redrafting its management framework and agreement with Historic England, to ensure that all aspects of Colchester's town wall are carefully considered and continue to be effectively managed.
Colchester’s town wall remains the most complete example of a Roman town wall in Britain and is a major responsibility to maintain for the benefit of today’s residents and visitors, as well as for future generations.
Cllr Mike Lilley, Portfolio Holder for Planning and Community Safety, said: “Maintaining our town centre and making it an attractive destination for residents, visitors and potential businesses is essential and forms part of our plans for a Better Colchester.
“Our town wall is a precious national asset and is such a wonderful part of Colchester's heritage. We are committed to celebrating it and protecting it”.
The Council has a dedicated archaeologist, Dr Jess Tipper, who leads on major projects such as this.
Colchester's town wall and gates are easily accessible at various locations across the town centre. Visitors can find many information panels explaining the history and significance of each section, including North Hill and Balkerne Gate.
Downloadable information on a walking tour of Colchester's Roman Walls can be obtained at
Page last reviewed: 23 August 2018