Hythe Taskforce makes strides towards alleviating flooding woes on Haven Road

PUBLISHED: 2 April 2024

Another productive session of the Hythe Taskforce convened last week, gathering key stakeholders to address the persistent issue of flooding along Haven Road.

Led by Cllr David King, Leader of Colchester City Council, the meeting engaged with local councillors, Will Quince MP, community representatives, and officials from various agencies, including the Environment Agency, city council, and county council.

The meeting yielded several significant updates aimed at mitigating the impact and frequency of flooding incidents, particularly on Haven Road, a critical thoroughfare for the local community and businesses.
One of the focal points of discussion centred around the implementation of new intelligent road signs.
Essex Highways revealed that the designs are in the finalisation phase, with consultations ongoing with local councillors to identify optimal placement locations. These signs should be installed by late summer and will provide real-time alerts to motorists, enabling them to seek alternative routes, thus alleviating congestion and minimising disruptions caused by flooding events.

Commenting on this development, Cllr Tom Cunningham, Essex County Council’s Cabinet Member for Planning a Growing Economy, said: “We recognise the adverse effects of flooding on traffic and the subsequent challenges faced by businesses and residents. The introduction of these intelligent road signs marks a significant step in enhancing road safety and minimising inconvenience during flooding incidents.”

Additionally, plans to address the silt accumulation obstructing the water outfall near King Edward Quay were discussed. Colchester City Council outlined forthcoming initiatives to clear blockages and conduct surveys in April, if weather conditions allow.  A key step towards being able to install a new valve to regulate river water inflow. This undertaking signifies a crucial move toward curbing flooding occurrences along Haven Road.

Further discussions centred on proactive measures to manage water levels in Distillery Pond, in collaboration with the Distillery Pond Management Company, aimed at mitigating excess surface water during periods of heavy rainfall.

In addition, Colchester City Council provided updates on the progress of phase one repairs to the wall along Fieldgate Quay. With an allocated budget of £900,000, these repair works are projected to conclude by the end of the summer, paving the way for the commencement of phase two planning, anticipated for completion by the summer of 2025.

Welcoming progress, Cllr David King said: “Only by addressing deep rooted challenges collaboratively can we make travel easier and life better for residents and businesses. There is much to do that will take time, funding, resolve and patience. But I thank Taskforce colleagues for their commitment and for the progress we are now making.”

Page last reviewed: 2 April 2024


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