TV’s wellbeing and fitness legend, Mr Motivator, 68, is beaming into over 70 care homes throughout Essex to give residents and staff a much-needed boost. The uplifting event will be held on 23rd April 2021 at 10.30am streamed directly into the communal rooms of care homes all over the county via Zoom.
The workout has been organised in association with Colchester Borough Council, the Essex FaNs Network and Mr Motivator’s brand-new online club, which has been specially designed for the older person. The Motivation Club extends his trademark motivation beyond the physical and includes expert advice on sensible eating, mental fitness, and provides a community to help battle loneliness, especially in older people.
According to Sport England’s Active Lives survey[1]: Coronavirus lockdowns have caused ‘unprecedented’ falls in activity levels. 11.6 million people are now classed as inactive in the UK and the research shows this increases the older you get. 60% of over 75-year-olds do less than 30 minutes of walking or activity per week. Research from Age UK[2] also shows that many previously independent adults now report finding it harder to do daily activities such as going up the stairs or walking the same distances they used to be able to since the start of the pandemic.
The CLUB is a place for all ages and fitness levels, but Mr Motivator particularly wants to help improve the quality of life for older people, explaining: “There isn’t anything available for the over 65’s or people starting out their fitness journey who do not want to go to a gym or spend 30 minutes doing press ups and burpees. The CLUB makes mental and physical exercise fun and accessible to everyone from three to 93 with my six-minute modules.”
The CLUB’s concept, exercise and sensible eating plans have been developed and endorsed by Dr Kathy Fulcher, Ireland’s leading exercise physiologist and nutritionist. Dr Fulcher has worked with Mr Motivator to build a team of specialist ‘Motivators’ from all over the UK and Ireland to create the expert advice, support and activities.
All experts in their fields the ‘Motivators’ have been handpicked to allow the CLUB to offer classes from yoga, Pilates, cookery and nutrition, strength conditioning, music therapy, mindfulness, mental health workouts, HITT, and of course Mr Motivator’s trademark Lycra-clad workout classes. Many of the instructors have been selected for their experience of working with older people and all Mr Motivator’s classes include his wife, Palmer, who performs all the exercises from a chair, demonstrating how you can still take part if you have any mobility issues.
This is a test pilot event and, if successful, will be rolled out to other care homes all over the country.
Mr Motivator said: “Your wellbeing is a way of life. The most important thing you can have is an independent, healthier you. You must not underestimate the impact that exercise can have on your mental and physical wellbeing. There is a curative power to exercise and those who are least active stand to benefit the most from their health and happiness.”
Tony Lee, Community Networks Lead for Essex from FaNs, an innovative project aimed at reducing loneliness and isolation from the lives of elderly care home residents, added: “We're super excited here at FaNs Essex for our care home residents to be able to join in and have some fun in movement with one of the country's most loved fitness gurus!
“Physical and mental health are closely aligned and having fun whilst working out, however gently, will bring great pleasure to our oldest generation of people. We're looking forward to the next one already and hope to extend even further with the number of care homes contributing.”
Lucie Breadman, Colchester Borough Council Assistant Director for Communities, said: “We are really excited to have Mr. Motivator encourage and entertain our care home residents in Colchester and across the county, helping our community become healthier and more active.”
Page last reviewed: 20 April 2021