2019 Household Drop-off Service starts

PUBLISHED: 2 April 2019

This weekend, Colchester Borough Council’s seasonal Saturday Household Drop-Off Service will recommence for 2019 and will run until 14 September.

The Service which operates in various locations across the borough each week allows residents to take along and dispose of small, broken or unwanted household items that are either not recyclable or not collected as part of their kerbside collection. Garden waste can also be dropped off at these sessions and will then be composted.

Items that will not be accepted as part of this service include items collected as part of kerbside collections (except for garden waste), large loads, fridges, freezers or other electrical goods, hazardous waste such as asbestos, batteries, liquids or gas bottles or business waste.

Residents are advised to visit the Council’s website and look up when and where their nearest drop-off service is being held.

Further information about the service is available at: www.colchester.gov.uk/recycling

Councillor Martin Goss, Colchester Borough Council’s Portfolio Holder for Waste, Environment and Transportation, said: “We know it’s not always easy for households to dispose of items not collected at the kerbside, and over the next five months we’ll be visiting over 50 different locations in the borough to help households dispose of these items locally and responsibly”.


For further information contact communications@colchester.gov.uk or call 07815 088150

Page last reviewed: 2 April 2019


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