Colchester City Council seeks clarity from Community360 regarding loan to CEO

PUBLISHED: 8 February 2024

Colchester City Council has written to the Chair of the Board of Trustees for Community360 (C360), seeking clarity and assurances regarding a £206,341 loan to Tracy Rudling, the charity’s Chief Executive, documented in the organisation’s published accounts for 2022/23.

The council is aware of the recent allegations concerning Ms. Rudling and takes all such matters seriously. As a statutory partner of C360, the council has a responsibility to ensure that public funds are used appropriately and transparently.

In its letter to the Board Chair, the council has requested written assurance that no funding provided by Colchester City Council, Essex County Council, Suffolk and North East Essex Integrated Care Board or Braintree District Council was used to finance the loan.

The council has also asked for confirmation of the status of the loan – whether it was linked to delivering the objectives of C360 or a personal loan to Ms. Rudling – and clarification on whether the declaration in the financial statements regarding payments to Godden and Rudling Building Services, were made following a proper procurement process.

Councillor Natalie Sommers, Cabinet Member for Communities, said: “We value our partnership with C360 and the important services they provide to our communities. However, we also have a responsibility to ensure that public funds are used properly and transparently.

“The recent allegations raise fundamental questions that need to be answered. We have written to the Board of Trustees seeking clarity and assurances, and we await their response to ensure transparency and responsible partnership.”

The council has requested a response from C360 by Monday, 12 February 2024.

Page last reviewed: 8 February 2024


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