Colchester City Council seeks community input to shape the Local Plan

PUBLISHED: 8 February 2024

Colchester City Council is launching the third phase of engagement in the Local Plan Review. Following the initial "Call for Sites" and “Green Network and Waterways” consultations, this phase will focus on capturing a vision for the whole city of Colchester, including the surrounding villages and rural areas.

The Local Plan serves as the strategic framework that guides the growth and development of Colchester. It addresses crucial aspects such as housing, infrastructure, and environmental considerations.

Colchester is a dynamic city, and the Local Plan must adapt to our changing requirements. The ongoing Local Plan Review will ensure it takes account of the evolving needs and aspirations of our many communities and the latest legislation, national planning guidance and best practice.

The council recognises the invaluable input of stakeholders in this process. Local businesses, community groups, residents, and organisations are invited to help shape the vision for Colchester’s Local Plan Review.

Stakeholders are encouraged to share their insights about what makes Colchester special today, identifying opportunities up to 2041, and envisioning the city's key attributes in the future.

The questions being asked during this consultation are:
  1. What three things do you like best about Colchester City (Local Authority Area) as a place? 
  2. What do you think are the most important opportunities for Colchester looking ahead to 2041? 
  3. What three things would you most like Colchester to be known for in 2041?

Cllr David King, Leader of Colchester Council, said: “We need to hear from our many communities, residents and interest groups, at every stage of the Local Plan review, to us help shape our city's future.

“We want the Local Plan Review to be a shared vision crafted by the people, for the people, which preserves our heritage, embraces opportunities and helps Colchester to have a prosperous future.

“The council believes that involving the community in these discussions helps ensure that the Local Plan reflects local need and views and reduces difference.”

Comments and ideas can be submitted until 21 March 2024 via this link:

This short video explains what the Local Plan Review aims to achieve and why community input is necessary.

Page last reviewed: 8 February 2024


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