Antisocial behaviour complaints down by one third in Colchester

PUBLISHED: 21 July 2023

Date published: 21 July 2023

Colchester City Council is continuing to work with partners to push forward with its commitment to tackling anti-social behaviour.

In the last 12 months, there has been 3,244 fewer antisocial complaints, compared to the same period in 2017, showing that the proactive work by the Council, Essex Police and other key partners is helping to make Colchester an even safer place to live, work and visit.

Councillor Natalie Sommers, Colchester City Council Portfolio Holder for Communities, said: “We know that tackling anti-social behaviour is a priority for our residents, and incidents can be extremely distressing to victims. Our priority is always to make sure Colchester is a safe and welcoming place to live, work and visit for all.

“Our Neighbourhoods and Community Safety Team work closely with Essex Police and key partners across the city on proactive projects to educate young people, run multi-agency joint patrols, all helping to reduce the number of antisocial behaviour incidents. The figures show clearly what a positive impact this is having.”

This strong Colchester Safety Partnership approach to tackling antisocial behaviour across the city continues, and there are a number of projects currently taking place, including:
  • Stronger Together: Providing interactive theatre for young people, adults, community groups and professionals to raise awareness and promote positive changes to behaviour to tackle violence against women and girls. Alongside the development of a young person ambassador programme.
  • Business Partnership Portal: To provide antisocial behaviour prevention advice and support the business community.
  • Vulnerability Training: For 120+ Colchester businesses, transport providers, Street Pastors, SOS bus staff, venue door staff, late night food businesses and events teams to strengthen understanding of vulnerability and how they can support people.
  • City Centre Crime Reduction Programme: Partnership activity to lower crime and antisocial behaviour, including Purple Flag accreditation.
  • Best Bar None: Introducing this scheme to drive down antisocial behaviour and improve engagement with licensed premises.
  • Accessing funding for a replacement vehicle for the town's SOS Bus: Offering a haven, medical support, diffuses trouble and takes vulnerable women home if necessary.
  • Ask for Angela: Am enhanced program providing individual training to venues and other individuals working at night on how to offer appropriate assistance.
  • Nights of Action: Regular partnership event with Essex Police and other key partners to tackle neighbourhood crime and anti-social behaviour.

Inspector Stuart Austin, from the Colchester Community Policing Team, said: “We know the impact anti-social behaviour can have on people’s lives every day and we’ve been taking action to deal with it.

“Reports of anti-social behaviour to the police are down by a third in the last year and by around 60 percent in the last five years.

“We continue to work with our partners at Colchester City Council, and others, to tackle issues as they arise.

“Essex Police will also benefit from £1.1 million in Government funding which will see high-visibility patrols and targeted intervention to tackle anti-social behaviour in 11 hotspots across the county, including Cowdray Avenue and Greenstead here in Colchester.

“And our ‘Stroll with a Patrol’ initiative is running for a second year with my team visiting each ward in the district and inviting people to join us to get to know us and discuss any issues in the area.”

Page last reviewed: 21 July 2023


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