Leisure World Colchester launches My Wellness app to help residents to stay healthy from home

PUBLISHED: 17 April 2020

Date issued: 17 April 2020

Leisure World Colchester has launched a free fitness app, My Wellness, in partnership with their health and wellness supplier, Technogym. The app will help Colchester residents stay fit and healthy from home during the current coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

The app has been created as a way for residents to continue to enjoy the benefits that regular exercise has on physical and mental wellbeing. It has a range of Train at Home workouts, from easy to hard, so all residents, no matter their abilities, can challenge themselves and enjoy the benefits.

The app is free of charge to all residents, and can be accessed by visiting www.mywellness.com/colchesterlw. Residents will need to create a new account and complete a sign-up form before downloading the app.

Leisure World customers will enjoy the added benefit that My Wellness will link to equipment at Leisure World’s Activa gym when the site reopens, to track and monitor individual progress.

Councillor Theresa Higgins, Portfolio Holder for Commercial Services, said: “All of us are missing the routine and benefits that regular exercise has on physical and mental wellbeing.

“We know many of you will miss the huge role Leisure World plays within your lives, so I’m thrilled that the My Wellness app has been launched.

“I would encourage every resident to download the app. Not only will it help you keep active during these unprecedented times, it’s also free.”

The My Wellness app supports the council’s objectives of the Livewell campaign which aims to improve residents’ health and wellbeing, helping create a Better Colchester.

Key contacts and information on wellbeing and mental health support can be found in the COVID-19 Community Response Pack. The pack is updated regularly and can be downloaded from www.colchester.gov.uk/coronavirus

Page last reviewed: 17 April 2020


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