Tree management to begin on Roman Wall

PUBLISHED: 23 October 2019

Date issued: 23 October 2019

A programme of specialised tree work is to be carried out on Colchester’s historic Roman Town Wall, as part of the council’s ongoing maintenance plan for the scheduled monument.

The work, which starts at the end of October, will follow strict guidelines adopted in the 2018 management plan for the Town Wall and the heritage partnership agreement with Historic England.

The council has also notified the Colchester Natural History Society, with whom it has an agreed approach, before carrying out the work to prune trees and shrubs and other woody plants that have the potential to damage the fabric of the wall. Some plants – for example self-setting bramble, elder, ivy and similar flora – may damage the fabric of the monument and these need to be carefully removed by hand-weeding or a glyphosate-free spot treatment of woody stumps. Most plants, however, do no damage to the fabric and the council continues to work with experts to ensure that any work on the wall also minimises the disturbance to this special wildlife habitat within the town. 

In addition, the latest work – primarily crown lifting and removal of vegetation – is being undertaken to better reveal the wall along Balkerne Hill for when it is lit in the evenings.

Cllr Julie Young, Portfolio Holder for Culture & Performance and Deputy Leader of the Council, said: “Colchester’s Roman Wall provides visitors with perhaps the most stunning visual reminder of the long and momentous past that is woven into the fabric of our town, and which most vividly defines its unique status as Britain’s first city.  

“As custodians of such a unique and irreplaceable monument, we are committed to its protection and enhancement in ways that also helps nature conservation and promotes its setting for the benefit of current and future generations.

“All of the planned work will be undertaken meticulously, in keeping with our 2018 management plan, and with the support and oversight of Historic England and other local bodies dedicated to its preservation as a major source of local civic pride.”

Page last reviewed: 23 October 2019


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