Reach for the stars with Colchester Museums!

PUBLISHED: 15 May 2019

Date issued: 15 May 2019

If you’re looking for some out of this world inspiring activities to keep your family occupied this May half term, look no further than Colchester Museums.

The team have planned a great range of events designed to leave the children starry-eyed across its three sites: Colchester Castle; Hollytrees Museum, and the Natural History Museum.

Wonder at the stars and see the constellations unfold in a wonderful Planetarium experience at Colchester Castle; get crafty and create your own star mobile at Hollytrees Museum inspired by the famous Colchester nursery rhyme, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, and even create your very own Monster at the Natural History Museum!

Councillor Mark Cory, Leader of Colchester Borough Council, said: “Colchester Museums have some amazing events planned to help children learn more about constellations and space, this school holiday.

“From Roman beliefs about stars, to a famous local nursery rhyme, take a tour of the universe with the team, this half term, and help the children learn whilst having fun! If you’re local, don’t forget to purchase a Resident Pass to the Castle if you haven’t already!”

Events planned, include:

Planetarium – Colchester Castle – 28th May.

Climb inside our heavenly planetarium this half-term. See the constellations unfold before you and hear about Roman beliefs linked to the stars. Join our craft activity tables to get creative.

Sessions at 10.15am, 11.15am and 1.30pm, 2.30pm and 3.30pm

Free after admission, booking required. Please call 01206 282941

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star – Hollytrees Museum – 30th May

Come to Hollytrees Museum and have a luminous time learning about constellations and making your own star mobile – hear the little-known ending of Colchester’s famous nursery rhyme.

Sessions at 10.30am, 11.30am and 12.30pm

£5 per person, booking required. Please call 01206 282941

Monster mash-up! – Natural History Museum - 29th May

Get crafty at the Natural History Museum and take inspiration from mythical creatures and the Medieval bestiary. Create your own monster in this free craft session.

Sessions at 10.30am, 11.30am and 12.30pm

Booking required. Please call 01206 282941

Page last reviewed: 15 May 2019


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