The Planning Committee

Details on when a planning application would be put forward for the consideration of the Planning Committee.


  • How applications are referred to the Planning Committee
  • Who the Planning Committee are
  • When they meet and what's on the agenda
  • Information about speaking at a Planning Committee meeting

1. How are applications referred to the Planning Committee?

We use our 'scheme of delegation' to determine the types of planning applications which are put forward to the Planning Committee or to Officers.

Most large scale applications will automatically be sent to the Committee because they tend to cause objections, raise complex issues or result in a need for planning contributions to be secured through a legal agreement.

For other types of applications, including householder extensions, we can request that an application is put forward to the Planning Committee if there are issues raised by the proposals in the application (e.g. the impact these proposals may have on the surrounding area) that merit special consideration.

Some areas of planning are a more subjective judgement where opinions will vary from person to person. These areas are where a democratic vote by the Committee may be more desirable.

The Planning Officers may refer applications to the Planning Committee in special circumstances.

Read more about the consultation period of an application here. 

2. Who are the Planning Committee? 

The Planning Committee is made up of ten Councillors all of whom have undertaken suitable training. You can see which councillors will be attending the next meeting here.

3. When do the Planning Committee meet?

The Planning Committee normally meet every two weeks on a Thursday at 6pm in the Council Chamber in the Town Hall.

4. Can I see Planning Committee agendas?

You can see the minutes and agendas of each Committee meeting here. Agendas are posted one week before the scheduled meeting. 

5. Can I speak at the Planning Committee?

Yes. We operate a system of public speaking which applies to all applications being considered by the Committee. Find out more information on how to have your say here.