Housing Land Supply Position Statement

Five Year Housing Land Supply Statement

Section 1 of the Colchester Local Plan 2017-2033 was adopted by the Council on the 1 February 2021, with Section 2 being adopted in July 2022. The complete Local Plan carries full statutory weight as the Development Plan.  
Section 1 includes strategic policies covering housing and employment, as well as infrastructure, place shaping and the allocation of a Garden Community. Policy SP4 sets out the annual housing requirement, which for Colchester is 920 homes. This equates to a minimum housing requirement across the plan period to 2033 of 18,400 new homes.
The Tendring Colchester Borders Garden Community is allocated in Section 1, all other site allocations are made within Section 2 of the Plan. Within Section 2 the Council has allocated adequate sites to deliver against the requirements set out in the strategic policy within the adopted Section 1. All allocated sites are considered to be deliverable and developable. 
In accordance with paragraph 76 of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), the Council is not required to identify or update annually a supply of specific deliverable sites sufficient to provide a minimum of five years’ worth of housing for decision making purposes as the adopted local plan is less than five years old and the adopted local plan identified at least a five year supply of specific deliverable sites at the time that its examination concluded. Therefore, the Council will not be publishing a 2024 Housing Land Supply Position Statement.  

Previous Five Year Housing Land Supply Statements

The information is correct in respect of the time period it covers, but due to the nature of housing supply and delivery it is considered to be a ‘live document’. This means that it is subject to change as and when new information is received which changes the housing supply and/or housing delivery position.

Page last reviewed: 14 November 2023


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