Housing Stock in Colchester

Type of home Percentage of total housing %
Owner occupied with mortgage 33.7
Owner occupied without mortgage 31.4
Private rented 16.2
Rented from Colchester Borough Council 9.5
Rented from a Registered Provider 6.5
Shared ownership 0.3
Living in tied accommodation* or rent free 2.4
Total 100

* tied accommodation is accommodation provided as a condition of employment Source: Census 2011

The table below shows the number of dwellings in Colchester by tenure on 1 April 2019 (most recent information available).

Local Authority
(incl. owned by other LAs)
Private Registered Provider Other public sector Private sector Total
5,900 5,255 23 70,564 81,742

Number of homes sold under the Right to buy scheme

During 2020-21 there were 46 properties sold under the Right to buy scheme.

Empty homes

In April 2021, there were 1,851 empty homes classified as empty for council tax purposes. Of these 1,734 were privately owned or owned by Registered Providers and 117 were owned by Colchester Borough Council. This definition of empty properties is ‘Empty, Unoccupied & unfurnished’ which includes short term (possibly vacant between moves) and long term (Uninhabitable/subject to Major Works).

The information below shows the length of time that these properties had been empty:

0 – 6 months 899
7 – 12 months 360
1 – 2 years    365
2 – 5 years    147
5+ years 80

Page last reviewed: 27 May 2021