Councillors' code of conduct and register of interests
The Code of Conduct describes how councillors should conduct themselves. The Register of Interests list their disclosable financial interests.
All councils are required by the Localism Act 2011 to adopt a code of conduct that sets out the rules governing their behaviour and registration declaration of interests for their councillors and co-opted members when acting in their official capacity.
Colchester City Council adopted the Local Government Associations Model Code of Conduct for Councillors on 01 December 2022 and it came into effect on that date.
Councillors' Register of Interests
The Monitoring Officer is required by the Localism Act 2011 to maintain a register of councillors and co-opted members interests and to publish the register on the Council's website.
Councillors are required by the Localism Act 2011 to register their financial and other interests within 28 days of their election or appointment to office.
View the Register of Interests
Parish, Town and Community Councils
The Monitoring Officer is required by the Localism Act 2011 to maintain a register of councillors and co-opted members interests of Parish, Town and Community Council's situated within the city of Colchester and to publish the register on the Council's website.
The register must also be published on the the Parish, Town or Community Council website - if they have one.
You can arrange to view the register at the respective Parish, Town or Community Council offices.
Parish and Town councillors are required by the Localism Act 2011 to register their financial and other interests within 28 days of their election or appointment to office.
Register of Interests - Parish and Town Councillors within the city of Colchester
Parish and Town councillors are required by the Localism Act 2011 to register their pecuniary and other interests within 28 days of their election or appointment to office.
Complaints and investigations
From 1 July 2012 the city Council was required by the Localism Act 2011 to have in place "Arrangements" for dealing with allegations that councillors and co-opted members had failed to comply with the Code of Conduct and also to investigate and determine those allegations. All complaints must be made in writing.
Ensure that you read the city Council's Standards complaints assessment criteria, which will be used by the Monitoring Officer to determine whether a complaint may be investigated or referred to the Council's Governance and Audit Committee.
The city Council's Arrangements cover Colchester City Council councillors and Parish, Town and Community councillors and co-opted members of the 29 Parish, Town and Community Council's situated with the city of Colchester.
If you wish to submit a complaint about the conduct of a Colchester City Council Councillor or a Parish , Town or Community Councillor situated within the city of Colchester, complete the form and send to:
Or by post to:
The Monitoring Officer
Colchester City Council
Rowan House, 33 Sheepen Road
Colchester CO3 3WG
Phone: 01206 282213
The Council's Arrangements can only deal with complaints about the alleged behaviour and conduct of councillors and co-opted members . It will not deal with complaints about any of the city Council's departments or council policy.
It will also not deal with any complaints about a Parish or Town Clerk or other matters not covered by the Member's Code of Conduct.
If you are unsure about any aspect of the process, contact the Monitoring Officer before submitting any complaints.
Who is the Monitoring Officer and what is their role?
Colchester's Monitoring Officer is Andrew Weavers, Head of Governance.
The Monitoring Officer is appointed under Section 5 of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989 and has a number of statutory functions in addition to those recently conferred under the Localism Act 2011 and subsequent regulations governing into councillors' interests and conduct.
The Monitoring Officer is required to prepare a report to Council where it appears to him that the authority has or is about to do anything which could be in contravention of the law or which would constitute maladministration.
Before publishing any report, the Monitoring Officer is under a duty to consult with the Chief Executive and the Head of Resource Management (also known as the S151 Officer). Depending upon whether or not the function is an executive one, the report has to be considered either by Full Council or by the Executive and the publication of the report has its effect of suspending the proposed action pending consideration of the report.
Governance and Audit Committee
The city Council has appointed a Governance and Audit Committee which oversees the conduct of councillors and co-opted members and who can hold a hearing into allegations that a councillor or co-opted member has failed to follow the code of conduct.
This remit also applies to Parish, Town and Community councillors within the city of Colchester. Any recommendations made following a hearing are made to the relevant council concerned and are non-binding.
View the Code of Conduct (PDF, 243KB)
View the Localism Act Arrangements (PDF, 255KB)
Page last reviewed: 15 January 2024