Memorials Policy Equality Impact Assessment

Initial Equality Impact Assessment

Name of policies to be assessed

Memorials Policy

1. What is the main purpose of the policy?

The purpose of this policy is to set out clear guidance and boundaries to members of the public about requests for memorials in public open space owned by Colchester City Council.

2. What main areas or activities does the policies cover?

  • This policy covers the general principles of the request and facilitation of memorials.
  • The policy mainly covers frequently requested memorial items such as benches, trees and the spreading of ashes.

3. Are there changes to an existing policy being considered in this assessment?

No - this is a new policy.

4. Who are the main audience, users or customers who will be affected by the policy?

Any resident who has lost a loved one.

5. What outcomes does the Council want to achieve from the policy?

This policy has been drafted to ensure that a consistent, efficient and helpful response is provided to those requesting memorials to loved ones.

6. Are other service areas or partner agencies involved in delivery?

Yes – Greening / Park and Cemetery and Crematorium services.

7. Relevant information, data, surveys or consultations

No data such as this, but we are aware of numerous

8. The ‘general duty’

The ‘general duty’ states that we must have “due regard” to the need to:
  1. eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation
  2. advance equality of opportunity between people who share a ‘protected characteristic and those who do not
  3. foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not
Not all policies help us to meet the ‘general duty’, but most do.

This policy helps us to meet the ‘general duty’ by: n/a

9. The Council has an important role in improving residents’ health under the Health and Social Care Act 2012.

This relates to both its ‘core functions’ (such as housing, leisure, green spaces and environmental health) and to its ‘enabling roles’ (such as economic development, planning and engaging with communities).

The Council recognises that its Public Sector Equality Duty and its role in improving health are interrelated and mutually supportive. This is especially true across the ‘protected characteristics’ of age and disability.

'Health inequalities are the unjust and avoidable differences in people's health across the population. They come from the unequal distribution of income, wealth and power and influence the wider determinants of health such as work, education, social support and housing. Currently, in England people living in the least deprived areas will live around 20 years longer in good health than those in the most deprived areas. Reducing health inequalities means giving everyone the same opportunities to lead a healthy life, no matter where they live or who they are.'

10. How does the policy help us to improve health/reduce health inequalities for residents?


11. Disproportionate impacts

This section helps us to identify any disproportionate impacts. We will indicate whether the policy is likely to particularly benefit or disadvantage any of the 'protected characteristics'.

We set out the potential benefits or disadvantages for particular protected characteristics.

Age - older people (60+)

Positive impact

The introduction of the policy will ensure a consistent approach regardless of protected characteristics will purposefully seek to involve them.

Negative impact

There will be a change in the service accessed by people which will affect all groups regardless of protected characteristics.

Age - younger people (17-25) and children (0-16)

Positive impact

The introduction of the policy will ensure a consistent approach regardless of protected characteristics will purposefully seek to involve them.

Negative impact

There will be a change in the service accessed by people which will affect all groups regardless of protected characteristics.

Disability – physical, sensory, learning

Positive impact

The introduction of the policy will ensure a consistent approach regardless of protected characteristics will purposefully seek to involve them.

Negative impact

There will be a change in the service accessed by people which will affect all groups regardless of protected characteristics.

Language – English not as a first language

Positive impact

The introduction of the policy will ensure a consistent approach regardless of protected characteristics will purposefully seek to involve them.

Negative impact

Printed and online information is provided in English which could impact negatively upon this group. There will be a change in the service accessed by people which will affect all groups regardless of protected characteristics.

12. Could the policy discriminate against any ‘protected characteristic’ either directly or indirectly?

Language - Website information can be translated via online translation tools. Customers which first language is not English can request that letters or leaflets are provided in a preferred language. Officers have access to a range of translation tools including text translation, instant telephone translation and face-to-face translation services. 

Summary and findings of Initial Equality Impact Assessment

13. Confirmation of findings

There are four options to describe the finding of the EqIA:
  1. No negative impacts have been identified – Action is to sign off screening and finish.
  2. Negative impacts have been identified but have been minimised or removed  - Action is to sign off screening and finish.
  3. Negative impacts could not be minimised or removed – Action is to sign off screening and complete a full impact assessment – Section 2.
  4. There is insufficient evidence to make a judgement - Action is to sign off screening and complete a full impact assessment – Section 2.
The findings and action are confirmed as (B). Negative impacts have been identified but have been minimised or removed. The action is to sign off screening and finish.

14. Name and job title of person completing this form

Rosa Tanfield, Head of Neighbourhood Services

15. Date of completion

26 February 2024.

16. Date for update or review of this screening

Next review date is to be confirmed.

Page last reviewed: 27 February 2024


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