How to take your own legal action

Before making a formal complaint

Before making a formal complaint, try to discuss your concerns with the person or business responsible.

Discuss the nuisance problem at an early stage and before it escalates. They may be unaware that they are disturbing you and a friendly approach can usually resolve the problem.

If you are unable to approach them directly, write a letter explaining the problem in a way that is polite and factual. Make sure you date the letter and take a copy.

If necessary, a copy of the letter may be shown in court as evidence that you have acted reasonably.

Get help from a mediator

In some circumstances we may recommend using the Essex Restorative and Mediation Service.

This is a free service, providing individuals harmed by crime, conflict or antisocial behaviour an opportunity to communicate with the person responsible, and aims to find positive, mutually agreed outcomes for all.

It is a voluntary process and both sides must agree for contact to take place.

Find out more about the Essex Restorative and Mediation Service

Page last reviewed: 25 April 2024