Audible intruder alarms

Noise from domestic audible intruder alarms often results in complaints to our Environmental Protection Team. Alarms should cut-out after 20 minutes but sometimes faults prevent this.

What to do if an alarm has been riniging constantly

If the alarm has been sounding persistently for a long time, before contacting the Environmental Protection Team, you can try:

  • If there are signs of a break-in call the police on 999.
  • If the number of the alarm company is displayed call them as they are likely to have a contact number for the owner or a maintenance contract.
  • If the property is rented, contact the letting agent if known.
  • Contact the owner or landlord if their details are known (check with other nearby neighbours).

If the alarm continues for a long time contact the Environmental Protection Team on 01206 282581.

Advice for alarm owners

Help minimise the risk of an alarm causing problems to your neighbours by:

  • making sure the alarm is fitted with a 20-minute cut-out device
  • Having the alarm serviced periodically
  • providing us with details of two keyholders (not the occupier) who can be contacted should the alarm sound unnecessarily whilst you are away from home (especially if you are on holiday). If we have details of keyholders we will always attempt to contact them first.
  • telling your neighbours how to get hold of the keyholders

What happens if the alarm goes off and the keyholders cannot be contacted

If your alarm rings for a long period and is causing a statutory nuisance:

  • we may have to break in and disconnect the alarm in extreme circumstances
  • we may have to re-secure your premises by changing the locks

We will charge you for any time and money that was spent deactivating your alarm.

How we will investigate your complaint

The first thing we will try to do is to contact the police to see if there has been a break-in, if they have any keyholder details and contact the alarm company if known.

If none of this can be done, we will visit and make an assessment of nuisance. If we believe the alarm is causing a statutory nuisance, then we will serve an abatement notice.

If after exploring all avenues of contact to get the alarm turned off by a keyholder or the alarm company the alarm is still ringing, then we will contact the magistrates court to apply for a Warrant of Entry. Granting of a warrant is not guaranteed and the process can take several days.

If granted the warrant of entry allows the officer to enter the premises to silence the alarm, either externally or, if necessary, internally.

The officer will then contact a specialist alarm and locksmith company and arrange for them to disconnect the alarm and, if necessary, change the locks.

Page last reviewed: 30 July 2024


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