Declaration of Result of Poll

Referendum on the Neighbourhood Plan for Great Tey on Thursday 19 September 2024

I Pam Donnelly, being the Counting Officer at the above referendum held on Thursday 19 September 2024, do hereby give notice that the result of the votes cast is as follows:
Do you want Colchester Borough Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan for Great Tey to help it decide applications in the neighbourhood area? Votes recorded Percentage
Number cast in favour of a Yes 201 90.54%
Number cast in favour of a No 21 9.46%
The number of ballot papers rejected was as follows: Number of ballot papers
A. Want of an official mark 0
B. Voting for more answers than required 0
C. Writing or mark by which voter could be identified 0
D. Being unmarked or wholly void for uncertainty 0
E. Rejected in part 0
Total 0

Electorate: 784     
Ballot Papers Issued: 222
Turnout: 28.32 %

And I do hereby declare that more than half of those voting have voted YES in favour of the Neighbourhood Plan for Great Tey

Dated Friday 20 September 2024

Page last reviewed: 20 September 2024


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