Single Person Discount Review

Local authorities are required by law to review all Council Tax payers who receive a 25% single person discount.

Colchester City Council has approximately 25,000 payers who benefit from this discount, and whilst the majority of these claims are genuine, it is essential that we ensure the discount is only awarded to those who are entitled.

The credit agency Experian are helping us to conduct the review. We are able to do this under Schedule 2, Part 1, Paragraph 2 (1) (c) of the Data Protection Act 2018 which relates to the assessment or collection of tax. All personal data is processed securely and will only be used for the purposes of conducting the review.

If you have received a single person discount review letter or email from us it is because Experian have provided information which may indicate there is another adult resident at your property. There are a number of reasons why Experian may hold this information, including: 
  • A previous occupant is still having credit activity or correspondence at your address.
  • Someone else stays with you occasionally but has a main home elsewhere.
  • The name on our Council Tax records does not match the name on Experian (for example we have someone registered in their maiden name but Experian may hold their married name).
  • Your adult son/daughter has moved out but is still registered on the Electoral Role at your address.
The purpose of this review is to protect public funds and ensure the discount is only awarded to those who are entitled.

If you are still the sole adult resident in your property your discount will continue. However, we will contact you if we need more information to verify your single person discount remains applicable. 

Page last reviewed: 6 July 2023


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