Enforcement processes

If you're struggling to pay your Council Tax, you should let us know as soon as possible. We may be able to spread your payments out over a longer time. You may also be entitled to a Council Tax discount or exemption. 

Reminder and final reminder notices 

Reminder and final notices are issued if you fail to make a Council Tax payment by the date it is due. The notice will tell you the amount you need to pay to bring your account up to date. 

If you fall behind with your Council Tax payments, we will send you up to two reminder notices before we take action to recover your debt.  

Reminder notice 

If you fail to pay the correct amount of Council Tax by the date it is due, a reminder notice will be issued, and you will be given seven days to bring your account up to date.  

If you pay your overdue Council Tax in full within seven days, there will be no further action. You will still have the option to pay your Council Tax in instalments. 

Final notice 

If the overdue payment is not made in full after a reminder notice has been sent, we will send a final notice. Once this is sent, you lose the right to pay by instalments and the full balance up to the end of the financial year will be due within seven days.  

No more reminders will be sent. Non-payment can lead to court action. 

If you are unable to pay your bill 

Please contact us on 01206 282300 or council.tax@colchester.gov.uk 

If you have already received a summons or further recovery action 

Please contact court.action@colchester.gov.uk


Page last reviewed: 4 May 2020