Copford with Easthorpe Neighbourhood Plan Examination October 2022
An Independent Examiner has been appointed to examine the Copford with Easthorpe Neighbourhood Plan. The Examiner is David Kaiserman BA DipTP MRTPI.
The responses received to the Regulation 16 Consultation have been sent to the Examiner to consider the Copford with Easthorpe Neighbourhood Plan. These will all be available to be viewed via our consultation portal.
Further information will be provided as the Examination progresses.
The Examiner has written to the Council and Copford with Easthorpe Parish Council to seek some initial points of clarification.
A response from the Qualifying Body will be available in due course.
View the Examiner's letter
CENP Response to Examiners Comments
Overlap between Local Plan and Copford with Easthorpe Neighbourhood Plan
The Examiner issued his Final Report on 08 May 2023.
The Examiner has concluded, provided the recommendations set out are followed, that the Copford with Easthorpe Neighbourhood Plan would meet the basic conditions, and recommend that, as modified, it should proceed to a referendum.
The Examiners Report (PDF, 922KB)
Decision Statement (PDF, 164KB)
The Copford with Easthorpe Neighbourhood Plan Referendum will take place on Thursday 21st September 2023. Find further information on the Referendum page.
Page last reviewed: 23 May 2023