Useful links and websites

Below is a useful list of national and local services, active voluntary sectors and faith groups who can offer valuable advice, assistance, and support to refugees and those seeking asylum whilst they settle into and establish their new lives in Colchester.

National Refugee and Asylum Services

Migrant Help

Asylum advice and guidance, refugee resettlement, modern slavery and trafficking victim support, Hong Kong Welcome Programme, EU Settlement Scheme.


RAMFEL is a charity that supports vulnerable migrants to access justice and that provides vital support in moments of individual crisis. Email

East of England Hong Kong Welcome Hub

Provided useful resources and information for BN(O)visa holders, their dependants and those supporting them. 東英格蘭香港移民歡迎中心 - EELGA SMP

Refugee Council

The Refugee Council is a leading charity working with refugees and people seeking asylum in the UK. Founded in 1951 following the creation of the UN Refugee Convention. It supports and empower people who have fled conflict, violence and persecution in order to rebuild their lives here in the UK.


  • Provide crisis advice, mental health counselling and practical support to help people settle and integrate into their new community
  • Are specialists in working with refugee children who arrive in the UK alone
  • Work with refugees and our partners to fight for improvements to the asylum protection system
  • Inspire change in attitudes towards refugees and people seeking asylum—speaking out for compassion fairness and kindness.

Red Cross

The British Red Cross is the UK’s largest independent provider of services and support for refugees and people seeking asylum. They offer emergency help, one-to-one support and casework, special services for children and families, and family reunions. If you are a refugee or asylum seeker in the UK who needs help, or someone who works with refugees and people seeking asylum, their teams will speak to you and help you figure out what you need.

They can offer help from the Red Cross or refer you to other organisations for support.

The Salvation Army

The Salvation Army is committed to supporting the most vulnerable people in our communities with practical assistance and hospitality, and this includes people seeking refugee status.

Citizens advice - find advice on employment, benefits, immigration, debt and legal advice.

Barnardo’s free helpline - Staffed by English, Ukrainian, and Russian speakers to offer support to children and families arriving the UK from Ukraine. You can also contact them on 0800 148 8586 Monday to Friday, 10:00am to 8:00pm, and Saturday, 10:00am to 3:00pm.

Page last reviewed: 12 March 2024